Sep 15, 2007

test clip

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An expert demonstrates easy ways to keep your wood floors clean and shiny. » Get tips

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May 24, 2007

Raw food

Raw food seems to be what suits humans.....i am planning to check this diet for a few weeks to see if my health improves.
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Who wouldn't agree that eating vegetables is good for health.
But Jaggavarapu Rama Reddy would further qualify this statement.
He would like you to eat raw vegetables and shun eating cooked
ones. And you cannot disagree with him.
has been on a raw vegetable diet for over a decade and is now
a perfect picture of good health.
got rid of his arthritis problem, his eyesight has become perfect
again and his hair fall has stopped. And yes, there is a spring
in his step.
does not keep the health formula a secret. "Eat raw vegetables.
If you don't like the taste, grind them into a paste and eat them
with a couple of pulkas. Supplement the vegetable diet with lots
of fruits and soaked pulses or wheat. You will be cured of all
ailments," he would tell you passionately.
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May 11, 2007

simplicity is the differentiator

techies we interact with in product development want to load it with features...making it a complex modeling exercise.....when will they graduate to KISS (keep it simple stupid paradigm).

Rolston agrees. "The most fundamental thing about Apple that's interesting to me," he says, "is that they're just as smart about what they don't do. Great products can be made more beautiful by omitting things."

"The hardest part of design, especially consumer electronics," says Norman, "is keeping features out." Simplicity, he says, is in itself a product differentiator, and pursuing it can lead to innovation.

One direct result of that sharpened focus is Apple's unique ability to create simple products. Though the idea of a simple high-tech device seems counterintuitive (why not offer more functionality if you can?), it's worked for Apple.

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May 2, 2007

my cousin Jose with Bush and Laura

The earlier clip did not appear in the blog....i am trying once again
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My cousin Jose who teaches in a school in American samoa has...been selected as the teacher of the year....he was felicitated by US prez Bush.....There was an official dinner too at the white house

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President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush meet American Samoa Teacher of the Year, Joserose S. Jyothibhavan of Tafuna High School in Pago Pago, American Samoa., Thursday, April 26, 2007, in the Oval Office at the White House. White House photo by Eric Draper

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Apr 26, 2007

mouse with floater inside

Sport - Custom wireless computer mouse with floater inside, imported.

Description: Promotion Item Custom detailed wireless mouse with floater inside, imported. Wireless receiver comes with adapter and batteries.
* The promotional item you've selected: [Sport - Custom wireless computer mouse with floater inside, imported.] is available for order by phone.
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